Thats two-from-two…these guys are doing it tough! Sadly the 2020 Tussock Buster event is cancelled. It probably comes as no surprise really after the world is cancelling every kind of gathering and with NZ going the same way.

Here is the official release from the Off Limits team regarding their forced decision.


It is with regret that we advise the cancellation of TUSSOCKBUSTER20 (TB20) due to the COVID19 virus and the Government requirement to cancel all events with over 500 people.

Events around the world are moving at a rapid pace, and some countries are moving to total lockdown, and closing of schools while others are moving to the banning of all activities where there are 50 or more participants. Here in NZ, nationwide sporting codes are being suspended until further notice and it is likely more cancellations will be made in the coming days by other organisations.

We are exploring options for the possibility of conducting a modified version of TB20 (each of a smaller scale) over a series of weekends in 2020. This is subject to:
• How the COVID19 virus situation plays out this year.
• Government restrictions on event sizes.
• The availability of zones within the Waiouru Military Training Area.
There are no guarantees we can make alternative events happen- but we will try.

TB20 was shaping up to be a great event, with 1025 pre-entries already received. However, the cancellation is entirely out of our control. This cancellation is disappointing for all concerned but, the strict measures being taken by the government today, will hopefully help contain the spread of the virus over the coming months.

We will provide refund details as soon as possible. We need to hold discussions with our suppliers regarding what pre-paid and pre-committed costs we can have refunded before we can finalise the refunds.

Offlimits is a charitable trust and not a commercial organisation. Proceeds from events such as TB20 go towards grants for the wellness of members of the New Zealand Defence Force. TB20 is our largest fundraiser of the year and its cancellation two years in a row has severely reduced our ability to make grants to those in need.

We will be in touch as soon as we can regarding the refunds. Please be patient- we are a volunteer organisation and we don’t have lots of paid staff who can make things happen in a day.

Stay safe and keep COVID19 at bay.

Kind regards
The Offlimits Team”